I discovered a way to warm up my hands (temporarily?) at work by rubbing them together and wringing them, as they're always freezing. Usually I just sit on them or freeze. And apparently I have to wait a second before answering the phone cause the recording doesn't start right away and my supervisor doesn't hear me saying the name of the company (I work in a calling center taking inbound calls). I try to remember.
Last night I didn't have time to upload any new pictures, but I did find a way to put automatically-updated pictures from deviantART on my blog!! You have to add the html gadget in your blog layout, and then copy a pastie from deviantART into that. So cool! So now I have my recent deviations on the left hand side, and my favourites on the bottom. I just have to figure out how to make my blog about 200px wider so that the bottom pictures fit, and just cause I don't like it so narrow. I just wish there was an option to put your most recent featured deviations insead of just your main featured deviation. I found a blog on how to make it wider, and I'm gonna go do that tonight. Yay! fiddling with coding that I know absolutely nothing about! XD I'm also thinking of having an icon as my featured deviation on deviantart, I'll have to put it as my desktop screenshot because I haven't written any icons myself lol. I'm not sure yet which icon I'll put up.
Speaking of which, I should really get an icon of St. Sarah, if I can find one somewhere. I know there's an Amma Sara in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers, so maybe there'll be an icon of her??? *does a quick google search* Yay! apparently there is one of her here!
Oh, and I was really happy to find out that Matthew Garrett, who writes icons, has actually written an icon of the exact version of the Man of Sorrows that I wanted to get, so I'll be able to buy it from his zazzle.com store!!!
I finally managed to get to bed somewhat early last night, at 9:45 or so. Ideally I like to get to bed at 9:30, especially after the 3 dead-tired days I had! Hopefully I won't nod off between calls this afternoon. I don't think I will though.
The little plant I brought to work last week is really nice to look at instead of a plain beige cubicle corner! I'm probably gonna bring the other little one I finally planted last week. It was a branch off another one that broke, so I stuck it in a jar of water to root and forgot it there for a few weeks lol.
Sigh, break is over already. *crosses fingers* don'tringdon'tringdon'tring phone...
Lol. Today hasn't been too busy so far. I usually have time to go on the internet between calls, especially between 5-6pm, it can go up to 10min. between calls.
I should take a picture of my desk at work actually, so people can see where I spend 9 or so hours of my day. And I have to remember to buy some icon prints to bring to work too! I wonder how people will react :P I got the idea after seeing pics of Isaac's desk at work on Facebook, that's also where I saw the Man of Sorrows icon I want to get. I'd put up a link, but Facebook is blocked at work. Grrr.
I had to take the other bus today again, I was too late for my usual bus. Yesterday it's cause I arrived from Scott's place in the morning. I didn't feel like getting up at 6:15 instead of 6:30 to catch my usual bus. But I still got to work on time at least, just at 8:55 instead of 8:43.
I'm getting plenty of practice being patient at work. One of the most difficult clients are the ones that don't even let you answer the phone before they start talking, just "HiIneedapickup", to which I reply "..." before asking them the usual questions, to make my point, and the worst is when they give you the whole pickup all at once without even letting you get a word in edgewise(which is rare, thankfully): "HiIneedapickupmy#is1234567890-at123smithstreetmynameisDorisIhave2boxeswecloseat3it'scollect,ok???"
in which case since they haven't stopped talking by the time I finish my hello I just repeat it again till they realize that I'M TRYING TO ANSWER THE PHONE HERE!!!thank you. Then they get all huffy when they have to repeat themselves slowly.
Coal into diamonds, coal into diamonds....
I have that stuck up on my monitor. It's a quote from Mother Gavrilia: The Ascetic of Love, she explains something along the lines of "Thank the Lord for all your trials, how else is coal turned into diamond but under immense heat and pressure?"
So true. So is a quote I took a few weeks ago from Isaac's blog: "To the carnal mind, a trial is a setback, to the spiritual mind, a trial is an opportunity for growth."
I have to go grocery shopping tonight, I have no frozen dinners left for lunch (yeah I'm too lazy to cook most nights :P And I have to buy a bucket of salted herring in oil for my mom. We both love the stuff, but last time I bought some the container was so tiny there wasn't enough lol.
Embedded Photography at The Old Mill in Palnackie
Edward and Lucy Campbell at *The Old Mill in Palnackie* are not only
artists - they also create all their own paints, inks, pastels and pigments
from loc...
1 week ago
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