Friday, October 31, 2008

Apathy, food, and attempts at photography

So today was nice, the food at the potluck lunch was yummy. I took pictures of everyone's costumes to put up on Facebook.

Last night I was thinking how I really have a heart of stone. I see things that I can do for people, and don't do it. One minute I say "Oh I have a great idea for this person I'll do that! and the next I forget, and when I think about it again I don't do it for whatever reason. It's as if the spirit of apathy and indifference has soaked through me. I pray I can stop being lazy with this, and lazy with everything. This post reminded me of something. I worked part time for a few months in a nursing home cleaning. A lot of the patients were bedridden, and there was this one old lady who never left her bed who would call out to anyone passing in the hallway "Madame! Madame! Madame!" In a broken forlorn voice. It tugged at my heartstrings that besides the basic care given to her, she was left there alone. I don't know if she had any family to visit, I never saw any. I don't know, I want to do something but I don't know what yet. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner.

This morning as I left:

This evening waiting for the bus after work:

Another lazy dinner, this time artichoke and asiago dip, hummus seasoned with olive tapenade, and shrimp mousse, leftover from the lunch at work:

Here's one of my first attempts at taking a pic of Licorice on my "lap bed" that I made by rolling up a big sweatshirt and putting it over my knees so she wouldn't slide off all the time:

And here's the second one, taken with the auto timer this time, I discovered that the long beeeeep that it makes just before it takes the picture conveniently attracts Licorice's attention towards the camera so that she's facing it :P :

Here's attempt #1 with Sambuca. This one was over-exposed and unfocused because I pressed the shutter button to focus while I was still in front of the camera, and it doesn't re-focus just before opening the shutter, don't ask me why. Wait, actually I can see a use for that in macro shots of something difficult to focus on... Anyways, here:

And here's attempt #2, I placed the chair at a distance and set the auto-focus on it before grabbing the cat, pressing the shutter button, sitting down and waiting. Unfortunately Sambuca was fed up by that point as you can see, and that one didn't turn out great either. Oh well:

Tonight's Skype chat doesn't seem to be taking off any time soon... I hope it does! In the meantime I'm chatting with Cosmo.

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