Needing to sleep at least 9 hours per night to function properly at work the next day plus having 2 hours of travelling per day to and from work (9-hour shifts) leaves me with little time in the evening to do non-essentials such as posting all the pretty pictures I took. I have several other pictures I've taken lately that I want to post, but monday night was spent doing laundry and running around doing the usual just-got-home-after-being-away-4-days routine. I just managed to get in bed by 9:45pm after having strewn wet laundry all over my apartment to dry (the janitor told me he had used the dryer 2 days before and it was working... I have to leave a message with the superintendant about that today...). Then last night was groceries and a bit of internet and phone time and dishes and putting away clean laundry, which I didn't even have time to do finally. I was lucky I got an unexpected lift home with a coworker who lives near me and happened to pass by work, so I spent 15 minutes getting home instead of 45, yay! I managed to get to bed about the same time again last night, and it feels soooo nice to be somewhat rested again! Although I have yet to see if I fall asleep between calls this afternoon... This weekend I got an average of 6-7 hours of sleep if not less, plus I hadn't completely recuperated after the holidays, so I'm gonna try to keep forcing myself into this strict sleep schedule even if I have to take a week to get all my chores done at home lol. Tonight shower, cooking dinner, putting away clean dishes and laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the cat litter, brush Sambuca (the long-haired one, she gets reeeeally matted in the winter with all the static) and hopefully some time to post pictures and pay attention to my poor neglected cats after that lol. They go crazy when I get home after I've been gone a few days, following me everywhere and demanding attention :P Licorice even grabs my arm and hugs it as if to say "I MISSED you!!!" when settles down to sleep beside my pillow. I love my cats :D
Tomorrow night I'm going to sleep over at Mat's place again since I probably won't see him till Sunday if not later and on Friday my sister is coming over with a friend to spend the weekend. They don't get to come to the city often so I'm gonna bring them shopping and maybe a movie or something fun if we have time. They're leaving Sunday so I might see Mat again Sunday evening if he's back from his dad's.
Yesterday was a looong day at work. On top of my usual nodding off in the afternoon, there were problems with the phone lines AND the program we use for customer service and pickups (I work in the calling center of a shipping company), so we were stuck taking pickups by hand all afternoon. And today we'll probably get the clients that didn't have their packages picked up yesterday because of the problems. And on top of that we're getting a snowstorm, which will delay things even further. Sigh. But the good news is it's my lunch break in 4 minutes, yay! :D
10 Ways To The End Of The World As We Know It...
Climate change? Plastic pollution? A stray asteroid?
It seems every time I turn on the news my limbic system gets beaten to a
pulp by hearing all the way...
1 week ago
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