"But for Orthodox, living in an unholy land is an absolute contradiction in itself. No place can be unholy. God is “everywhere present and filling all things.” An Orthodox Christian cannot secularize his world without betraying his faith. But in our culture, it is, doubtless, not an uncommon betrayal. It is a frequent unwitting betrayal on the part of converts to Orthodoxy for the simple reason that seeing the world in a manner that is utterly foreign to one’s own culture is a very slow process with a steep learning curve. For many (including American cradle Orthodox) it is easier to simply hold to Orthodox doctrine and practice the same way a Presbyterian or Baptist holds to Presbyterian and Baptist practice - which is simply an American holding on to the secularized versions of religion that populate our Republic."
Found here.
This is so true! I'm just finding this out myself. I've thought to myself in the past before my inquiry into Orthodoxy, "if only I could see things the way they really are!", meaning the spiritual reality of things, and in leaning about the Jesus prayer as a means to continual remembrance of the prescence of Jesus within us and others I realized that this was what I had wanted :) If I remember right I even prayed that God would help me see things the way they really are, glory be to God for only a short while later bringing me into the one true Church that teaches a way to do this!
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