I'm tired. I couldn't think of anything for a title :P. Yesterday morning I got up to go to church, but then the toilet blocked, and I didn't manage to fix it with a plunger myself, so I had to go wake up the janitor to ask him to come fix it and lend us the keys to an empty apartment in the meantime so we could go pee. So I went and got the girls and all 3 of us went upstairs in pyjamas to go pee lol. About 20 minutes after we got back I realized that the toilet had started overflowing. So I bailed it out into a bucket and tried plunging it again, which worked finally. 10 minutes later the janitor showed up and I told him it was fixed, apologised for bothering him, and gave back the keys to the other apartment. So then I decided to stay home and make breakfast, and go do something with the girls after. I made them grilled cheese, and had leftover Dagwoods myself, and we all had leftover Cinnabon for dessert. Then we left at around 1pm to go to the Atwater market, Quiznos and the St. Joseph Oratory before bringing them to the bus stop at 5. Finally the girls didn't want to go to the Oratory, so we went to the Atwater market, and ended up buying a bunch of stuff to nibble on while there, and by that time it was too late and we were too stuffed with piquant truffe, 3 kinds of cheese, sliced roast turkey, croissant, and danoisse au pommes to go to the Quiznos, so we just headed for the bus stop. After I dropped off the girls at the bus stop I took the metro back to Berri and called Mat to see what was up. He was about to leave his dad's place to come back so he told me to head over to his mom's place and he'd arrive later. So I went there and arrived at around 6:45pm and he arrived about 10 minutes later. At around 7:20 we left to walk over to the hospital to visit his brother, we stayed about half an hour or so, then came back, stopping at the grocery store on the way. When we got back we watched the end of the superbowl and had some cheese and crackers for dinner, then went to bed, and this morning he drove me to work. Yesterday while at the market I also stopped to buy a small package of bacon at one of the butcher shops so I could try some non-grocery-store bacon. I keep reading about how it's so much better than the stuff at the grocery store so I decided to try it for once. I left it at Mat's mom's place, I'm gonna sleep over tomorrow night and make it on Wed. morning. I can't wait! It was about twice the price of the stuff at the grocery store, but it's supposed to shrink a lot less because they don't inject it with brine.
This afternoon I came across a good article by Met. Jonah here as well.
Afternoon break in 10 minutes...*yawn*.
I'll upload more pictures tonight.
10 Ways To The End Of The World As We Know It...
Climate change? Plastic pollution? A stray asteroid?
It seems every time I turn on the news my limbic system gets beaten to a
pulp by hearing all the way...
1 week ago
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