*yawn* I'm in my mid-afternoon sleepiness. Argh I wish I could get rid of it. But I suck at going to bed at 9:30pm, especially when I get home at 7pm...
So the cat got picked up by the animal patrol this morning. I had exhausted all options shelter-wise except for one, and by that time I was so fed up of wearing earplugs to be able to sleep through the constant meowing, avoiding using the bathroom (where the cat was) cause I couldn't do anything without him either using me as a scratching post or trying constantly to jump/climb on me, stepping in cat litter, setting off the meowing again if he had finally quieted down, and avoiding the general uncleanness (think poop smeared in 5 different places, I had to cut most of the fur (he's long-haired) off his rear end so he wouldn't get crap stuck in it (again! and that's despite the two baths I gave him. Think a tub half full of warm water and... yeah.) and distribute it wherever he sat). At least he won't suffer. He was a sweetheart, only a few months old, affection-starved little thing. Mat finally said "ok, whatever". I guess I got used to having to put down cats because when I was younger we lived in the country and often found strays that had to be put down because my parents didn't want to keep them on top of the cats we already had. When I was a kid I hated being woken up to go to school (who doesn't?). One morning I woke up to a little grey kitten on my pillow, purring away, it was the cutest thing ever. That was the nicest wake-up I had had in a long time. When I asked my dad where he got it, he said he had found it outside that morning. I begged him to keep it, but he said no. So I got used to not being able to keep strays. I'm glad that tonight will be the last time I'm cleaning that bathroom for a while. I bought plenty of cleaner and disinfectant and I'm gonna disinfect the whole freaking room! And then brush the cats, vacuum the rest of the apartment, do laundry make dinner, take a shower (or maybe even a bath) in my newly-disinfected bathroom, and fall in bed and sleep like the dead. I don't think I'll be able to get all that done before 9:30pm... Or I could put off brushing the cats and vacuuming AGAIN... But I'm tired of putting it off, I want to get it done already! I'm tired of stepping in cat litter everywhere I go, it's one of my pet peeves, and the reason I rarely go barefoot in my apartment. I should get a little carpet to put in front of the litter box lol, maybe that'll help keep them from tracking it everywhere.
10 Ways To The End Of The World As We Know It...
Climate change? Plastic pollution? A stray asteroid?
It seems every time I turn on the news my limbic system gets beaten to a
pulp by hearing all the way...
1 week ago
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