Saturday, February 21, 2009


Here are a few pictures I took at my parents place in the country this morning. The view from my bedroom window at my parents place when I wake up:

Here's my bedroom, hardly larger than a closet but I don't mind lol:

Here's my parents in the dining room this morning:

The cat:

The kitchen table:


  1. I love this beautiful peek into your clean and warm and cozy... you are very blessed to live in such beauty of God's creation!!!!
    God bless you!

    (note toself: get cable for phone so can take pictures of the river and upload!)

  2. Yes my parents are blessed to live there, I would love to move back one day and get out of the city! But that would require a driver's license, a car, and a job over there...maybe one day God willing :) Yes I'm eager to see more pictures of your river! God bless you too!
