Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Orthodox Men Love Church

Here's a good article I just read.


  1. Chocolatesa,

    Thank you for the link to JTO.

    I'll be in Montreal next week for the Holy Archangels Church parish festival.

    If you can, please come by and introduce yourself.

    In Christ,
    Fr. John A. Peck

  2. Thank you for the invitation! I used to live just a few blocks from there, back before I became Orthodox. Let me know what date and time you'll be there so we can meet up :)

  3. Now this is a meaningful commentary about Orthodox living. You're recipes are good, but how about imputing recipes for fasting periods. Orthodox people who fast are always looking for new ideas.
    Do you fast?

  4. Chocolatesa,

    I'm sorry I missed you while in Montreal.

    Fr. John

  5. It's allright, I think I was away that weekend anyways :)
