Monday, June 22, 2009

Friends and plans

Yesterday I went to church, then waited at Lionel Groulx for Scott to lend me his key, then went home and bummed around on the net a bit, and we left and went to do some groceries and came back. Then Sonia came over and we played frisbee by the river for a while, and then came back and played Le Banquier and listened to music:

Then Scott came home with Josh:

And we went to bed 10 minutes later cause Mat had to get up early this morning to go to work. Today I'm alone at home, have laundry and cleaning to do, and no key for the front door lol. I forgot to ask Mat to lend me his. I'm going to go and give the superintendant a $10 deposit to get another one today though. I just hope someone will let me in :P Tomorrow we're going to my parents place finally, and hopefully make a nice big bonfire :D And then Wednesday is St-Jean Baptiste here in Quebec, excuse for millions of Quebecers to get drunk and party and light fireworks lol. Orthodox also celebrate his nativity under the name of St. John the Forerunner. It's technically a feast day but I don't think there'll be any special services at my church.

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