Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sleepiness and rambling

We're finally Thursday! I hope things are a bit quieter today than yesterday... I have to get some rest this weekend. Maybe my lack of patience lately is because of lack of sleep. I usually fall asleep in the afternoon at work, yet I usually get at least 8 hours of sleep. I don't understand. I asked the doctor if I might have sleep apnea but they said no, only overweight people get that. And I don't want to start drinking coffee. I probably just need an abnormally large amount of sleep naturally, which is frustrating when you work 9-hour days and have 2 hours of commuting to do every day. It would be great if I could work from home. But that would require changing jobs, and the jobs that can be done from home available for me without further education are probably not what I would be interested in. Yesterday we bought a group lottery ticket at work, and I was wondering if I'd go back to school if I had the money for it. I really don't know. I've always disliked school, but if I found something that really interested me I might, who knows.


  1. I'd struggled with a similar situation...feeling drained all the time. I started taking a reasonable (not a mega) multi-vitamin. It made a big difference in both the way I feel and sleep.

    Its also going to be beneficial taking a vitamin, because since about five minutes ago when I began reading your blog, I decided to stop eating bread.

  2. Thanks for reminding me, I've been meaning to buy some soon but it's (another) one of those things I never get around to doing :P I hadn't thought of that as helping for energy before though, I'll try and see!
