Here's a slightly larger image of the icon that was at St. Nicholas at Vespers, click to enlarge. From what little digging around I've done on the internet I've learned that it's a copy of the Kursk Root Icon:
Embedded Photography at The Old Mill in Palnackie
Edward and Lucy Campbell at *The Old Mill in Palnackie* are not only
artists - they also create all their own paints, inks, pastels and pigments
from loc...
1 week ago
a copy, or the real thing?
ReplyDeleteI don't know... I have to ask my friend.
ReplyDeleteThe original was brought to the North American continent by Bishop Anthony.
ReplyDeleteThis original is leaving Canada via New York and going back to Russia.
A copy was made and given to Russia up to now.
I am mikail minow of London Ontario canada. mikailminow at hotmail dot com.
Have a blessed day.
Just to clear up a few questions posted above: I was born and raised in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and in Montreal (even graduated from John Abbott! :-) ) The photo above is from my home church, and that is the original Kursk-Root Icon just shortly before the historic trip back to Kursk, Russia for the first time since the Russian Revolution. It is NOT staying in Russia, but visiting until Oct 2, 2009. For info on this visit, see; it's worth it just to see the crowds of thousands coming out to venerate the icon.
Albany, NY
Really, thanks :)