It's only about 4" high, which is fine for me. There was one for $5 but it was taller and ugly, it looked like a miniature butter churn, with a big wooden handle sticking out of the top, I didn't like it. I also saw a really nice one for $20 that I'm gonna buy for Mat's dad to go with the rest of his kitchen, he likes old-fasioned looking things. Isn't it cool?:

Ok so I'm gonna see what recipes I've been meaning to do I can get done this weekend. Along with laundry, vacuuming, dishes, shopping for clothes for Max, and going to church. Oh, and calling around a few more Taekwondo school for prices. I was lying awake Thursday night and I had this idea stuck in my head that I want to start Taekwondo courses again. I did some for a few months when I was 12, I didn't even get my first yellow stripe. But I liked it and I've been thinking of starting again for a few years now, so I decided I want to do this before I have kids and while I'm still young enough. I'm totally out of shape so I'm thinking of starting to do some stretches and sit-ups to prepare me for the courses so it won't be as hard when I start. I have an appointment on Monday after work with Ligeros Evangelos, a teacher at the first Taekwondo school in Canada, under Grand Master Chong Lee, who founded it. It'll probably be more expensive than the other one I inquired about so far though, and it's an hour away from my job instead of 30 minutes like the other one, so we'll see. It would be cool to go there but I'll probably end up going to the cheapest one.
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