For good measure here's another food post. Last week another new Asian restaurant opened nearby in our our already-packed-with-asian-restaurants neighborhood (I'm in foodie heaven) called Fortune Dumpling & Bubble Tea. I happened to walk by on opening night and saw a man making a sort of crepe on a round flat metal thing and then painting it with sauce and wrapping it around some sort of crunchy dough. I decided I had to have one, and thus discovered jian bing.
It's currently my favourite Chinese food. I went back there again with my sister and a friend the day after and tried their dumplings, which are also super delicious. If you ever get a chance to try this or fresh handmade dumplings grab it!
Here's my full review on Chowhound, if you click the link in the first comment you'll get a more detailed description and history of the dish. Again I don't have pictures (I've been getting lazy I know lol) but here's a video of how jian bing is made: